
With a successful mission in 2008 behind us, we ran headlong into our 2009 mission. Our science package included two new on-board data collection experiments, Larry's mini-weather station and Dad's accelerometer experiment. These worked extremely well and provided us with some interesting and ultimately, very useful data. In addition, we carried Brandi's school science experiment, a packet of seeds which were to be planted next to a control set of identical seeds (which stayed behind). They are to be observed as they grow and differences noted. Here you'll find links to Dad's narrative of how the day went as well as a link to our 2009 photo gallery.

ENDV03 - Mission Statistics
Launch Date: 20 June 2009
Launch Time: 0800 EDT (1200 GMT)
Launch Site: 30 50.17N 083 55.26W
Landing Time:1019 EDT (1419 GMT)
Landing Site: 30 27.85N 084 33.70W
Mission Time: 2 hrs 19 min
Distance Launch to Landing: 36 miles
Max Altitude (est): 107,000ft @ 0920 EDT
Max recorded Altitude: 84,945ft @ 0911 EDT