
Our Near Space project is still chugging along.  Five launches under our belts and we're still learning and looking for new things to include in our near space missions.  Each one has been unique, each has had it's share of problems and difficulties and each recovery has been just as rewarding and educational. 

If you're returning to the site, you'll notice a couple of changes. The pages have a spiffy new look. But more than nice looking, the pages are more 'mobile device' friendly, presenting the site's pages in a way that makes them easier to navagate from your iPhone/Android/iPad. In addition, all of our old missions have been archived and put away for safe keeping. You can still access them by choosing archives from the menu above and then navigating to the mission you're interested in. The new archives page includes a synopsis/summary of each flight. 

If this is your first time on the site, feel free to look around and please leave a comment or email and tell us what you think.

Thanks for stopping by.

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